Acupuncture has become widely used as a treatment method in musculoskeletal medicine and rehabilitation. It may be used alone or in conjunction with other treatment methods, this will depend on the specific illness or injury that it is being used for. All therapists who practice acupuncture at PhysioDoc have gone through comprehensive training to ensure safe practice and are registered with Bradford Council. The team use an approach called ‘Western Scientific Acupuncture’ meaning that we use an evidence-based approach to treatment, with a targeted approach for specific conditions including migraine, tennis elbow, knee osteoarthritis and back pain to name a few.
Prior to beginning a course of acupuncture the therapist will carefully explain the potential risks and benefits of treatment and answer any questions that that you may have prior to obtaining consent. The needles used are extremely thin, approximately 30-50 times thinner than those used by doctors and nurses for immunisations. The length of the needle will depend on the body area that is to be treated; longer needles for the thigh or buttock, shorter needles for the ankle, hand and face. Each needle is sterilised and single use, so it is thrown away after each treatment session.
To optimise the effectiveness of acupuncture, depending on your response to treatment and the injury being treated, typically 4-8 sessions is advised.
To optimise the effectiveness of acupuncture, depending on your response to treatment and the injury being treated, typically 4-8 sessions is advised.